Saturday, December 26, 2015

New adventures. Traveling through Leukemia with a toddler.

When the tragedies of life become choices
to hold or release. The burdens of the moment heavily ask
How do I proceed?
Let the Divine in me trust that
All is here now
to be.

2 years and 1 day ago
November 26th 2013 I wrote:

...She put on an emotional armor and charged through. I saw before my eyes what happens when kids have to deal with more than they should. When maturity comes in the moment of necessity.  I could not have been more proud, and I needed her....

I am sitting in my office this morning after coming home from the hospital... a bust of a trip. We found out that Isaac's counts are low but not low enough for a transfusion. I felt pretty frustrated by this.  I just wanted to give him something to make him feel better. They sent us home, which I know is a gift-but--- I naively had in my mind that we would get blood and he would bounce back a little.

Yesterday Christmas was wonderfully normal.  We shared breakfast and gifts in the morning at our house and then rested most of the afternoon. Tim smoked the turkey to take to Claire and Chris's (CCER) house for Christmas dinner. Anne and I laid on the couch and watched Little Women. Isaac was really puny but hung in there.  Dinner and gifts at CCER was also lovely.  More presents we have seen in years--- tons of toys!  I have so much to be thankful for. Mom and Wayne took care of all the preparations so that Tim and I had very little responsibilities except to focus on Isaac and Anne.

We found out a week ago that Tim will be going to Qatar next.  How do we navigate being a FAO family with Leukemia?  Suddenly exotic far away places need excellent health care. My little bedoon was born in the gulf, will he thrive there? It may take a year from now but we hope that the kids and I can join Tim when the time is right.

Qatar seems to be more culturally and artistically open than Kuwait. Just a simple search brought me to several english written websites for Dance.  Those that know of Damien Hirst's work will remember the sculpture the princess commissioned a few years ago.  Rather progressive... didn't end well though... Damien Hirst's sculptures in Qatar

She is now sponsoring a women's and children's hospital called Sidra. When I looked through the site there is no pediatric oncology listed... so I looked at the Qatar Cancer Society... then the Hamad Medical Corporation....


  1. Hang in there knowing all will be well. Prayers always. Francie

  2. Romans 8:26-27New International Version (NIV)

    26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

    My heart is calling out prayers for you all. ~ Vee
